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 Democracy, Devolution of Power, & The Developmental State

The Institute of Development and Education for Africa (IDEA), Inc. is proud to announce the launching of Dr. Ghelawdewos Araia�s new book. For contents of the book, please click on the following link: www.africanidea.org/Ghelawdewos_Araia_New_Book.html and individual subscribers (including students) interested in purchasing the book should send a check of $25 ($20 + $5 for shipping and handling) payable to �IDEA, Inc.� to 1199 Whitney Ave Suite 523 Hamden, Ct, 06517; institutions including libraries should send $35 ($30 + $5 for shipping and handling). For further information, email webmaster@africanidea.org or call (203) 789-1990 (203) 747-2763 (203) 537-0240

The book is dedicated to all Ethiopians and this is how the author puts it:

To all Ethiopians of the past generations who contributed to world civilization, who preserved Ethiopian independence, and who strove, struggled, and sacrificed for a better Ethiopia and the welfare of the Ethiopian people; to the present generation of Ethiopians who would continue the aspirations and dreams of their predecessors and who indefatigably sustain the flame of democracy and freedom; and to the future generations of Ethiopians whose responsibility is to reaffirm the development agenda of their forebears and also build and reconstruct Ethiopia further on the foundations that they have bequeathed. 

From the back cover of the book:

It is with pleasure to read this excellent book entitled Ethiopia: Democracy, Devolution of Power, & The Developmental State authored by Dr. Ghelawdewos Araia. His work proposes serious consideration toward the implementation of democracy not only for Ethiopia but also for the entire African world. The book does more than lament and exhort: It teaches us with precision the basic principles about democracy and the necessary tools to nurture its development; it also boldly uncovers the bad seeds decimating our political discourse and takes us patiently, step by step, how we can build our democracy by ourselves and with concerted effort.

In my humble opinion, I think this book ought to be a required reading for all political science and political economy students and must be a handbook for policymakers and for those engaged in active politics, and it is for the following reasons: The book presents a comprehensive analysis of contemporary Ethiopian politics in the context of democracy and decentralization and renders a thorough examination of the theory and practice of the developmental state by comparing Ethiopia with other successful nations and what lessons it can gain from those countries. Incidentally, the magnificent density of ideas infused into the corpus of the book are impressive and the many chapters on the pros and cons to implement democracy show Ghelawdewos� vision of a peaceful and viable transition to market economy with a gradual access to capital and property, thereby allowing an intriguing democracy in the African continent.

I thank the author for inviting me to read his book; frankly his subject matter is immensely profound and from all other works that Ghelawdewos presented to us over the years, I truly believe Ethiopia: Democracy, Devolution of Power, & The Developmental State is his magnum opus.


Daniel Gizaw, author of The Prince of Africa and Fikre Kudus