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Institute of Development and Education for Africa (IDEA), Inc.

  Application for Scholarship Award

Please follow instructions carefully and fill out the application form for scholarship award (effective Fall 2006 to Fall 2007). All African students with excellent GPA and promising educational records are eligible for IDEA scholarship. Upon their stay in U.S. colleges and universities, selected recipients must demonstrate satisfactory progress. IDEA will have the discretion to revoke the grant if students don’t exhibit a good academic standing.

Age ______   Sex______ Nationality___________

  • Educational Status - Highest level of  Education

Year of High School Graduation____ Year of College Graduation_____

Name of High School____________  Name of College______________

City/State/Country__________________ City/State/Country_________________

Intended /Major Field of Studies______________________

Intended/ Minor field of Studies______________________

English proficiency:

Excellent___ Very good____ Good____ Non-English speaking______

Prizes/honors/special skills/essay sample______________________________________

Student signature_____________ Date_________________

All applicants must enclose high school diploma, certificate of matriculation and official transcripts (for high school graduates) and college diploma and official transcripts (for college graduates)after they receive a letter of confirmation from IDEA. Applicants must also enclose a letter of recommendation from a former teacher and/or school administrator, and one letter of commitment to return back to Africa upon completion of studies so that they don’t become public charge to the United States.

Note: All awards are subject to budget approval. This award is for Africans only. Note: Due to budget constraints and shortcomings in funding, effective May 9 2006, IDEA will postpone the scholarship fund until further notice.


Tuesday, February 24, 2004